Integrate HelloDone with
Metapack to automate
your post purchase
Conversational AI built to resolve post-purchase customer queries
Automate and meet your customers’ personal needs in plain English on any messaging channel, without the need for any further people on your CS team
Open new communication channels and explore new revenue
Inserting rich media into customer conversations enhances and extends brand engagement, improving customer lifetime value
Engage on customer’s on their terms
Let customers engage with your brand and self-serve in the channels where they live their digital lives, like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Instagram
Hellodone 2 Minute Overview from Pete Shannon on Vimeo.
HelloDone automates customer conversations so brands can own the entire order lifecycle
Brands collectively spend billions encouraging their customers to make a purchase, only to lose contact with the customer during the crucial delivery phase.
Consumer frustration, customer service costs and missed revenue opportunities all mount up the moment you remove that brand engagement.
Key Features
Retailer Branded
80% inbound enquiry containment
All Messaging Channels
Truly Personalised
In channel human agent handover / handback
AI built specifically for retail post purchase
We work with both multichannel, pureplay, direct to consumer and manufacturer businesses
Discover more about our integrations and partnerships
Our integrations remove time, cost, friction & complexity for our customers. If you want to find out more about our integrations and partnerships, please complete the form and one of our team will be in touch.